Press releases

If you don’t know my books or would like to know more about me, I am fortunate that many journalists write and record interviews with me both in Denmark (Politiken, Berlingske Tidende, Jyllands-Posten, Kristeligt Dagblad DR’s P1 and TV2’s GO’morgen Danmark and more) and abroad (including Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung and Dagens Nyheter). DR’s TV series “Jeg mødte Jesus” is now available at and I myself host several programs about faith that can be heard at, among others

All my books have also been reviewed in the leading media (Weekendavisen with three times praise, JyskFynske Medier with six stars).

To keep the conversation about faith alive in everyday life, I also write opinion pieces and columns myself.

Below are the nine articles that are closest to what I want to do with what I work with. Further down the page, there are a number of articles, reviews and columns by year. They are available in the form in which I am allowed to share them. It may require a subscription to read some of it in full. I hope you are happy to do so. The money goes to journalism, and we need it.


Selected press clips


God, you’re right here – How I live with my faith” was released on February 25, 2019 to rave reviews.


On Maundy Thursday 2019, Politiken published a major article about me becoming a phenomenon


Jyllands-Posten published extensive interviews with Jesper Borup, Daniel Baun and me.


Review of “We met Jesus”


Interview by Anne Funch about meeting Jesus.

Kristeligt Dagblad

I was interviewed by Else Marie Nygaard, who was there when 550 people showed up at St. Paul’s Church in Aarhus. Kristeligt Dagblad, December 18, 2015

TV2 News

Interview for TV2 News January 29, 2015 about my encounter with Jesus.

TV2 News

TV2 News with Knud Romer January 2015, who thought I should see a psychologist, and Lotte Hansen, who told me about mushrooms that could lead to hallucinations.

Kristligt Dagblad

Interview with Dorte Washuus about the unexpected and expectations before the book was published. Kristeligt Dagblad, 24.1.2015.



You don’t have to agree to have a deep and respectful conversation about faith.
Here you can listen to the episode with me in the podcast series Conviction on Free Church Theology.
They are told to relax…




Kristeligt Dagblad

How do we live with Corona? Kristeligt Dagblad asked me that question. Here you can read my answers


The Swedish magazine Pilgrim is one of the Nordic region’s leading magazines on Christianity. It is based at Bjarka Säby and was founded by pastor Peter Halldorf, who interviewed me under the headline: LIFE JOURNEY: “I WAS PHYSICALLY BROUGHT THROUGH BY LOVE”
It cannot be read online, but the magazine is worth subscribing to.

Kristeligt Dagblad

From summer 2020, I have started writing a column one Friday a month in Kristeligt Dagblad. One of them is about knitting, grief and my new role “Grandma in wrapping”


In the summer of 2020, Radio4 will be broadcasting a series of six one-hour talks on “The Hunt for Jesus”, hosted by me. Listen to the series here


Priest Pia Søltoft is one of the country’s foremost connoisseurs of Søren Kierkegaard and has had several TV series on DK4, this year about virtues and vices. She interviewed me about faith in Christianskirke listen to the broadcast as a podcast or watch it as a video.


Berlingske Tidende

Berlingske Tidende’s reviewer, former TVA journalist Lone Kühlman, calls the book “long-winded” and gives it three stars in the review here


The day after the release, I was on Go´Morgen Danmark, which requires a subscription to watch the broadcast, but there was also an article on TV2’s website

Gyldendal publishing house

Read more about the new book – and an excerpt – on my publisher Gyldendals site here

Kristeligt Dagblad

Sørine Gotfredsen reviewed the book in the same newspaper as “an important testimony that we are in relationship with God” – read the review here

Kristeligt Dagblad

Also in the same newspaper is an excerpt from “God, you’re right here”, which is about how faith for me is that God loves me.

Kristeligt Dagblad

Kristeligt Dagblad published an interview with me about living with death – also as a podcast – listen to it here


DR K - I met Jesus

DR K now has an entire TV series based on my story and especially the books “I met Jesus – Confessions of a reluctant believer” and “We met Jesus – And what does it matter to others”.

Heartland has professionally and balanced organized and produced.
Watch all three episodes on DR’s website.



DR K - Wild With Books

Anne-Cathrine Riebnitzsky invited me to join “Vild med böcker” before Christmas 2018.


In November 2018, the monthly magazine Liv featured interviews with three women about what we believe in. The other two believed in themselves and fate …

Sin for beginners

I have been quoted in books, including “Synd for begyndere” by Kristian Bøcker, published by Bibelselskabet in 2018. He writes about my and author Julian Barnes’ views on forgiveness.



Review of “We met Jesus”

North Jutland

Review of “We met Jesus”


Jyllands-Posten published extensive interviews with Jesper Borup, Daniel Baun and me.

Kristeligt Dagblad


Kristeligt Dagblad

Review by Sørine Gotfredsen


Interview by Anne Funch

Other reviews


Interview in Alt for Damerne, August 4, 2016.

Horoscope by Martin Lewkovitch in "The Horoscope", no. 2, 2016.

Other reviews


Manu Sareen should have my book as a Christmas present, according to Politiken in Christmas 2015.

Danish Literary Magazine published a full page on "A Modern Meeting with Jesus" in spring 2015.

Debate about “I met Jesus”

Other reviews

  • Interview with Dorte Washuus about the unexpected and expectations before the book was published. Kristeligt Dagblad, 24.1.2015.
  • Interview with Else Marie Nygård, who was there when 550 people showed up at Sct. Paul’s Church in Aarhus.Kristeligt Dagblad, 18.12.2015
  • Readers asked me about pizza and heaven in Information 28.3.2015
  • In Norway, the book caused a stir even before it was translated –
  • Interview written by Lea Holtze from Aalborg Diocese
  • “It wasn’t like I drew a ticket to a vision” Bo Nygaard Larsen’s interview for Bibelselskabet 14.2.2015.
  • Dagbladenes Bureau’s Sonja Sabinsky’s interview with me has been published in several media here Jydske Vestkysten.
  • Lisbeth Brocelius Meléndez invited Dean Anders Gadegaard and me to debate experiences. 27.1.2015
  • Culture on TV2News 29.1.2015
  • And the same evening on TV2 News with Knud Romer, who thought I should see a psychologist, and Lotte Hansen, who talked about mushrooms that could lead to hallucinations.
  • Aalborg Stift interviewed me at home on my great-grandmother’s red sofa about daring.
  • The curious Danes were the subject of Anders Laugesen’s interview with me in “Mennesker og tro” 11.11.2015.
    (See also short video from there about reincarnation)
  • The rector of the Danish Bible Institute, Børge Haahr Andersen, who baptized my youngest son, tells Lutheran Mission magazine “Tro og mission”, February 2015: “Her journey is not over, but I am relatively comfortable with where she is now.”