Living water – a podcast for those who want to hike


Living Water is a podcast for those who want to go for a walk with content.

In each podcast, you’ll be accompanied by a pastor who starts and ends the tour and speaks a few times along the way.

The tours vary in length and have themes that cover the whole year. You can go wherever you want – and as often as you want. Along the way, you can take out one earpiece and listen to the nature around you and then stop and stand still while you listen to the priest.

Going on pilgrimage has become an increasingly popular way to spend time with your faith. With this podcast, you’ll find words to help you gather your thoughts, give you new perspectives, increase your curiosity and probably give you a little peace and quiet – and fresh air.

Have a good trip and best regards,

Charlotte and the priests of the ecumenical assembly Living Water.



Find tours for the whole year here – they will be added as they come up – get excited!

Pilgrimage for the New Year


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Go on pilgrimage with Epiphany

As the first Christian pilgrims, the wise men went after the light and reached Jesus.

We can walk like that too, says pilgrim priest Elisabeth Lidell on this one-hour walk.

There are two thought-provoking stops along the way to help you map out your New Year’s resolutions

Happy New Year!

Pilgrimage for Lent


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Pilgrimage for Lent

Lent is the time from Shrovetide to Easter.
The 40 days are a time for reflection and contemplation.
A time when we cut something out to concentrate on something else. In the Christian tradition, it is of course Jesus we focus on. Prayer and Bible reading.
Proper fasting has nothing to do with starving yourself. It’s about fighting for justice, for the weak and making yourself available to others.

Get inspiration for Lent with this 45-minute walk with pastor Lone Møller-Hansen.

Pilgrimage on the Ærø of childhood


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Autumn is the favorite season for pilgrimage priest Elisabeth Lidell, who takes us on an hour-long hike to her childhood Ærø, where the forest is ablaze as it fades inland.

Listen to hymn singing and a voice about kinship and togetherness and start thinking for yourself.

Hiking with simplicity


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Simplicity is a sacred word, says pastor Claus Aagaard Nielsen during this hour-long walk.

A hike is simple in itself.


And with this podcast, simplicity even gives you a time frame and a structure to think in. About simplicity.

The priest stops three times between start and finish and along the way your thoughts can flow its simple stream.

Put the earbuds in, stop when the priest speaks and take them out and listen. Put them back in when you leave or leave them in and enjoy the ripple of the water.

Enjoy your hike.

Hiking in a budding autumn


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

For Pastor Gunni Bjørsted, fall is a beautiful time – both in a wistful, melancholic and hopeful way.

Autumn is not just about something withering. It’s also a preparation for something new to emerge.

Spring is in the making.

Pilgrimage in creation

Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Join us for a one-hour walk in creation and join us in praising it.

Pilgrim priest Elisabeth Lidell leads the walk, which stops every 15 minutes and brings us together to reflect on our responsibility for the earth and encourages us to think about how we can take care of it – perhaps by remembering Hans Christian Andersen, who believed that by being in nature you are always close to the heart of God.

Take out one earpiece when you walk – alone or with others – to let the sounds of nature come to you.

The trip takes one hour.

Walking with your image of God


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

How would you describe God?

Is it important?

In the Bible, we find many different images of God. God is described as a mother who never forgets her child and as a shepherd who looks after his sheep. God is also called love.

Go on a one-hour pilgrimage with pilgrimage priest Elisabeth Lidell and get inspiration for how you want to draw your image of God. Maybe her confirmands can give you an idea?

Elisabeth Lidell starts and ends the tour. There are two stops along the way. Feel free to take one earpiece when hiking so you can hear where you are.

Pax et bonum.

Community walk


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

You might think that pilgrimage is something very individual.

Maybe so – but for pilgrims past and present, it was important to be open to fellow travelers along the way.

Some you walk with for a long time, others for short distances. So it is on the path of faith.

Take a half-hour walk with Lone Møller-Hansen’s reflections on community, faith and walking.

Community is the seventh pilgrimage word – read more about the seven words in the walk with them further down the page.

Walking with the seven words of pilgrimage


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Swedish pilgrim priest Hans-Erik Lindström has, with his seven words of pilgrimage, brought together in a modern way many people’s thoughts on entering the tradition of pilgrimage.

Spend an hour today with pilgrim priest Elisabeth Lidell and start thinking about which of the seven words can be both a contrast to your modern life and a clue to a new life.

The seven words are slowness, freedom, silence, simplicity, carefree, community and spirituality.

Walking with what happens in life


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Was he a monk, the wine-drinking hitchhiker who was picked up by Elisabeth Lidell’s father and mother on their way to Paris that summer?

And what was up with that taxi driver talking about the Holy Spirit on the way to a TV interview?

Take a one-hour walk with the pilgrim priest and start thinking about who has meant what to you on your journey.

Put in your earplugs – and take them out when the priest is silent and listen to nature.

Read more about Elisabeth Lidell here:

Go out – and eat


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Bring your thermos and a few cookies or biscuits and join pastor Claus Aagaard on an hour-long pilgrimage in the open air.

Feel free to walk several together. You can walk at a distance and light up at the same time.

He speaks approximately every 15 minutes. As you walk, leave one earpiece hanging loose so you can hear birds, wind and your and others’ footsteps in the forest, at the beach or wherever you are walking.

When he speaks, you can stand or sit and listen to him together while enjoying a sip of coffee, tea or lemonade along with a piece of bread and the spiritual food we also need so much.

Pilgrimage with the whole body


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Even the angels envy us that we have a body, says Simon Fuhrmann, pastor in Central Jutland and host of this hour-long walk, where he will pray with his feet and awaken us to see nature around us so that we can each be priests “for all creation.”

There are stops along the way where he narrates and in between there are only faint sounds on the recording, so you can concentrate on being present where you are.

Have a good trip!

Pilgrimage with Francis of Assisi

Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

The Italian monk, Francis of Assisi, who lived almost 1000 years ago, is someone more and more people want to learn from.

He speaks to our times of climate change and desire for calm. Even the Pope has taken his name after him.

Francis was born into a wealthy merchant family on July 5, 1182, but at a young age he left wealth behind and entered a monastery.

He later founded the Franciscan order, based on caring for the sick and helping the poor.

Pilgrim priest Elisabeth Lidell joins him on a one-hour hike that is perfect whether it’s winter or summer, alone or together.

Turn on your phone, find the podcast app, plug in your earbuds (maybe just one) and go on a peaceful journey.

Pax et bonum.

Pilgrimage on Palm Sunday


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Join a one-hour pilgrimage on Palm Sunday with pilgrim priest Elisabeth Lidell.

Listen and join in wherever you are.

Elisabeth Lidell will speak four times during the event. Otherwise you will be silent together.

You may want to take out one earpiece while walking so you can hear the sounds of nature around you.

Then stand still when she starts talking and use her words to gather your thoughts.

Pax et bonum, peace and all good things.

Read more about Elisabeth Lidell here:

Pilgrimage on Maundy Thursday


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Join a 45-minute pilgrimage this Maundy Thursday.

Listen and join in wherever you are.

John Hansen, retreat leader, psychotherapist and former priest, will guide you.

He starts the tour, which you can go wherever you want. Try taking out one earpiece so you can listen to nature along the way.

After about 10 minutes, he speaks again and you stand still and let his words gather your thoughts.

Then you walk again for fifteen minutes, stop and listen. It repeats once more, and after almost three quarters of an hour, John Hansens ends the day’s walk.

Read about John Hansen’s retreat here:

Good Friday pilgrimage


Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Make Good Friday the day of silence and join a two and a half hour walk with pastor Lone Møller-Hansen.

Put your phone in your pocket, plug in your earbuds and head out into nature right where you are.

You don’t have to be used to walking or believing.

Lone Møller-Hansen starts the walk, reads aloud from the Bible, prays and speaks along the way a total of 10 times for a few minutes.

Then you can stop and let her words bring your thoughts together.

Lone Møller Hansen is pastor at Baptistkirken Bornholm
and The Godspell Fellowship

Pilgrimage on Easter Sunday

Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Easter Sunday is a day of celebration. A moving day.

Give yourself half an hour in the great outdoors to get your body and mind to feel what day it really is.

Join former pastor of Græsted Free Church, Claus Aagaard, in nature wherever you are. Or in the city. Wherever you are. Take out one earpiece along the way and listen to your surroundings.

He guides you along, stopping every seven minutes or so to talk to you about Easter Sunday, a special day.

Read more about Græstedakademiet here:

Spring hiking as a pilgrim

Ingrid Ribe-Nyhus

Gunni Bjørsted sometimes forgets how beautiful a spring day can be.

Can you do that too?

Go on a one-hour pilgrimage with the experienced priest to the exact place you want to go.

Download this brand new tour to your phone, put it in your jacket pocket, put the earpiece in one ear and head outside. Out there, birdsong and wise words await.

Happy spring!

Gunni Bjørsted is a pastor at Osted Free Church and is also involved in the Græsted Academy

Pilgrimage with old and new prayers

Thomas Sjödin

Is it possible to say both old and new prayers when walking?

And why pray?

Isn’t pilgrimage a prayer in itself, even in God’s own cathedral?

Join pilgrim priest Elisabeth Lidell and get to know prayers anew during an hour-long walk that will take you back thousands of years, but maybe the old prayers are still refreshingly new?

Learn new and refresh old on the tour with two stops between start and finish. Stand still while she speaks, but feel free to pull out your earbuds as you walk so you can hear where you are.

Pax et bonum, peace and all good things.

Read more about Elisbaeth Lidell here:

Pilgrimage because God loves us

Berørth Lene Højholdt

We are loved without reservation. By some people, thankfully. Although it can be different.

But we are all truly loved – by God. Are we not?

Join pastor Gunni Bjørgsted on an hour-long hike and get clues to your thoughts on who is loved by God.

Gunni Bjørsted is a pastor at Osted Free Church and is also involved in the Græsted Academy