It’s good to be away, to travel, to immerse yourself, to be on retreats and courses. But what happens when you come home? Will it just be good memories and no life changes? I find it easier to make something stick if I write and read about it. That’s why I’ve made a list of the 11 things I want to educate myself to change in my life at home this summer. Sign up for my newsletter right here and get inspired to make your own travels live longer.
Opening speech: Kirsten Klein shows us that we are bound to the landscape.
When I first met Kirsten Klein, we talked about where her pictures come from."They probably come from somewhere where it hurts," she replied. I didn't know then, but I know now. That's where the recognition takes hold. From that place where life is not only good, but also painful. Back then, I hadn't lost my youngest boy, the pain of my life was milder then, but some was there, and we talked about children coming or not, about being a child myself. About longing and being rootless, being moved around, the roots that were not allowed to take hold. You went out. Out into the wind. Nature became your "ally" you said. Out there you could grow. "I don't pray," she said."It's not like that. My spirituality is tied to the landscape."