Try it: Encounter laughter, great nature and life-giving calm on my retreats
10. January 2024

Join me on one of my retreats where there are quiet moments along the way.

Whether you go to Sweden, Spain or Norway, you’ll find great nature, peace and quiet, great conversations and wonderful people guaranteed to make you laugh.

It is not required that you consider yourself a believer or call yourself a Christian or want to become one.

My retreats are investigative and curious, not preachy and lecturing. Together and mostly separately, we effectively go into the hidden knowledge in all of us and in our society through the Christianity that has dominated the country and laid the foundation for our behavior, organization of workplaces, families and the entire welfare society.

That knowledge is full of resources. Knowing it provides clearer analysis of not only yourself, but also others, and it enables you to articulate the community you want to create as a leader, colleague, friend or family member.

Hidden knowledge works whether we want it to or not. If you want it to work with you, you have to know it.

Find the retreats right here:


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Opening speech: Kirsten Klein shows us that we are bound to the landscape.

Opening speech: Kirsten Klein shows us that we are bound to the landscape.

When I first met Kirsten Klein, we talked about where her pictures come from."They probably come from somewhere where it hurts," she replied. I didn't know then, but I know now. That's where the recognition takes hold. From that place where life is not only good, but also painful. Back then, I hadn't lost my youngest boy, the pain of my life was milder then, but some was there, and we talked about children coming or not, about being a child myself. About longing and being rootless, being moved around, the roots that were not allowed to take hold. You went out. Out into the wind. Nature became your "ally" you said. Out there you could grow. "I don't pray," she said."It's not like that. My spirituality is tied to the landscape."

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Chronicle in Kristeligt Dagblad: The church must talk about experiences

Chronicle in Kristeligt Dagblad: The church must talk about experiences

Without having any church background or the slightest bit of spiritual longing, years ago I suddenly had to learn to live with, among other things, two visions of Jesus standing upside down in front of me and talking to me, as I recount in "I met Jesus". Up to every other of us have experiences, I documented in the sequel "We met Jesus - And what does it matter to others", but it is still not a field that has been researched much in how we as a society or church should live with.

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10 years later: Most people were afraid I was stoned

10 years later: Most people were afraid I was stoned

The only two people who thought it was a good idea to publish my first book were my husband and my editor. Everyone else advised me to keep quiet. They predicted scorn and stoning, or at the very least silence and backs turned. One boss thought I could not continue in my job as a journalist. She got another job before publication, I continued in my position, but why all the anxiety? What was so transgressive in my debut book that it could have cost me my job, my reputation, my family, my friends? And did that happen?

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