Join me on one of my retreats where there are quiet moments along the way.
Whether you go to Sweden, Spain or Norway, you’ll find great nature, peace and quiet, great conversations and wonderful people guaranteed to make you laugh.
It is not required that you consider yourself a believer or call yourself a Christian or want to become one.
My retreats are investigative and curious, not preachy and lecturing. Together and mostly separately, we effectively go into the hidden knowledge in all of us and in our society through the Christianity that has dominated the country and laid the foundation for our behavior, organization of workplaces, families and the entire welfare society.
That knowledge is full of resources. Knowing it provides clearer analysis of not only yourself, but also others, and it enables you to articulate the community you want to create as a leader, colleague, friend or family member.
Hidden knowledge works whether we want it to or not. If you want it to work with you, you have to know it.
Find the retreats right here: